These rules are for general demonstration purposes. In the working version of the website, these rules will be presented in the national languages of the country of the competition. There will be an indication of the specific address of the weather station location as a judicial instrument. Also there will be an indication of the exact time of withdrawal of control parameters, the exact size of the prepaid prize pool and the cost of registration of attempts by participants in national currency.
Good Forecast. Public contest offer
Terms and conditions
- The organizer of the contest is a non-profit charitable foundation operating on the
basis of the Civil Code which governing the conduct of public contests. The organizer of
the contest determines the rules for this contest, provides the prize fund and
determines the recipients of charitable contributions.
- The operator of the contest is a commercial organization, registered in a convenient
jurisdiction, acts as the copyright holder of the electronic platform for holding the
contest and the rights to trademarks associated with the contest. The operator carries
out all payments to the participants, including distributing the prize fund in
accordance with the objectives of the сontest.
- Contest is the rivalry of participants on the operator’s electronic platform in the
accuracy of daily weather forecasting. The official result of each contest is a set of
readings received from a particular weather station at a predetermined сontrol time.
- Rescheduled contest is a contest in which an insufficient number of registered attempts
is determined at the discretion of the contest operator. In this situation, participants
funds for registering forecasts are returned.
- Participant is an individual registered on the platform of the contest operator in the
manner indicated on the platform.
- Professional participant is a participant who made his forecasts in at least two
contests in a row. If a participant skips the next contest, this title is lost.
- Forecast is a properly registered weather forecast of the participant on the electronic
platform of the contest operator.
- The winner of the contest is the participant who properly registered his forecast, which
was determined by the electronic platform as the most accurate among the others
regarding the control parameters.
- Prize holders of the contest are participants whose registered forecasts were determined
by the electronic platform as the second and third results after the winner.
- Disqualified participant is a participant who gave a forecast of the precipitation for a
control period of time that does not correspond to the control parameters.
- Control parameters are meteorological readings presented on the operator’s electronic
platform and received from an automatic weather station installed in a previously
announced place.
- Operating month is a period of time (calendar month) during which the fully prepaid
prize fund is distributed among the participants.
- List of registered forecasts is a summary table of all registered forecasts of all
participants with indicated time of registration.
- Prize fund is the sum announced in advance and placed on a special account. During the
calendar month all this amount of money is transferred to participants as their rewards.
- Contest results is a summary table of all registered forecasts of participants
distributed in accordance with the algorithm of the contest operator in relation to
obtained control parameters.
- Control time is pre-announced time for the presentation of the results of the contest
regarding the control parameters.
The essence of the contest
- Participants are invited to provide their weather forecast for the next day in a way
proposed by the electronic platform. All weather forecasts are recorded on the
operator’s electronic platform until 00.00 hours local time of the participant’s region.
Every day at the pre-announced control time, the algorithm checks the registered
forecasts of the participants with the control parameters received from the automatic
weather station installed in a pre-announced location.
- Using the given algorithm, the electronic platform determines the participants who gave
a more accurate forecast relative to the forecasts of the other participants. These
participants who gave a more accurate forecast are recognized as winners in two stages
mentioned in point 35 and further. The operator informs the winner about this event and
increases the participant’s account by the sum of the prize.
- All actions take place on the day of the contest (daily). All participants of the
contest are in equal conditions, and the influence of the organizer and operator of the
contest on its results is impossible. Socially significant acts and directions of
charitable payments are determined by the organizer of the contest based on the wishes
of the participants. The minimum amount of charitable contributions is determined in
advance, information on these contributions is fully submitted on the electronic
Participation in the contest
- The participant goes through the registration procedure on the electronic platform of
the contest operator by the manner mentioned on the platform.
- The participant transfers funds to his personal account using one of the methods
provided by the electronic platform.
- The participant gives his version of the weather forecast for the next day in the manner
provided by the electronic platform.
- For registration of each forecast given by the participant on the electronic platform,
the amount equivalent to the previously announced forecast registration cost is debited
from the participant’s personal account. The number of registration forecasts in a
single contest is not limited.
- Forecast registration number is the place in the list of registered forecasts. The
participant is informed about each forecast registration number via previously indicated
- The place occupied by the participant’s forecast in the results of the contest shall be
reported to the participant through the channel indicated by him.
- The results of the contest are published on the electronic platform within 1 hour after
the control time and are available for viewing at least during one month from the date
of publication.
Determination of winners, prize holders and prize payments
- Participants who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places receive cash prizes by replenishment their
personal accounts. If the number of participants who took 1, 2 or 3 places is more than
one, then the cash prize is divided between them into equal parts. The value of cash
prizes is announced in advance and is determined by the results of sociological
- Incentive cash prizes are paid to the best professional participants through
replenishment of their personal accounts. The exact sum of incentive cash prizes is
determined by the operator and it cannot be more than the value of the prize for the
third place and is at least twice the cost of registering one forecast.
- All participants of the contest can withdraw funds from a personal account at any time
by the methods offered by the electronic platform.
- All participants of the contest can use the electronic platform service to exchange
currencies to participate in contests with different currencies. The exchange takes
place between the participants themselves on conditions that satisfy both sides of the
- The sum of the prize fund is determined by sociological researches. The prize fund, with
the exception of incentive payments to professional participants, is placed in advance
on a special account for the entire operating month. The prize for first place is
greater than the prize for second place. The prize for second place is greater than the
prize for third place. In case of receiving equal results, the prize is distributed
among the participants in equal parts. The number of incentive prizes is determined by
the operator based on the current situation.
Special prizes
- "Bull's Eye" - the prize is paid to the participant who, during the operating month,
first registered the forecast which completely coincided with the control parameters.
- "Champion of the Region" - the prize is paid according to the results of the contests in
the operating month to the participant who was recognized as the winner more often than
other participants. In the event of an equal number of victories, the number of second
and third places shall be considered. If more than one participant is defined as the
"Champion of the Region", the prize is distributed among them in equal parts.
- "Champion of the Land" - the prize is paid according to the results of the regional
contests in the operating month to the participant who was recognized as the winner more
often than other participants. In the event of an equal number of victories, the number
of second and third places shall be considered. If more than one participant is defined
as the "Champion of the Land", the prize is distributed among them in equal parts.
- "Champion of the Continent" - the prize is paid according to the results of the contests
in the operating month to a participant who is recognized as a professional participant
in at least three contests with different currency systems, and more often than other
participants was recognized as the winner. The algorithm for determining the recipient
of this prize corresponds to the algorithm for determining the "Champion of the Land"
- All special prizes are paid once during the operating month.
The algorithm of determining the winners
- The winner(s) of the contest is the participant(s) who gave the most accurate forecast
in comparison with other participants in accordance to the obtained control parameters.
- When the control time comes, the electronic platform automatically determines:
- disqualified participants (who incorrectly predicted precipitation);
- The results of all other registered forecasts as a summary table indicating all
the prizes and highlighting all professional participants.
- The forecast of each participant consists of five parameters. Four parameters that have
a digital expression determine the final position of the participant, provided that the
precipitation forecast is correct. All differences of the registered forecasts from the
control parameters are digitally expressed. The larger the difference, the lower the
result. In case of equality of differences, the number of full matches of the forecast
with the control parameters is taken into account. If there are four complete matches,
the participant will not only be recognized as the winner, but may also receive a
"Bull's Eye" prize.
- If 2 to 9 participants are recognized as winners, then the prize is divided between them
in equal parts.
- If 9 or more participants are recognized as winners, then the winner among them will be
the participant who gave the most accurate prediction of the wind speed.